All courses Angular

Découvrir l'écosystème d'Angular (LinkedIn Learning)
Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Frans.  Si vous êtes un développeur formé à JavaScript ou TypeScript, suivez cette présentation de l'environnement de développement Angular. Vous aborderez les différents outils et vous découvrirez quel est le rôle et l'intérêt des serveurs et des bases de données. Vous verrez également les outils de développement pour appareils mobiles, ainsi que les techniques de test et de débogage, avant de passer à l'intégration continue et au déploiement. À la fin de cette formation, vous aurez les bases indispensables pour développer et également pour poursuivre votre formation avec Angular. Aanvraag indienen
Angular: Testing and Debugging (LinkedIn Learning)
Errors caused by missing dependencies, undefined variables, or poorly formatted data can cause your web application to stop working. In this course, learn how to track down and eliminate these types of errors in your Angular applications through the process of testing and debugging. Instructor Derek Peruo breaks down common error messages and goes over a variety of testing and debugging options. He also covers code linting, shares some tips and tricks for avoiding pitfalls during development, and goes into writing custom error handlers to make it easier to work with errors as your application grows. Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. Aanvraag indienen
AngularJS 1 Form Validation (LinkedIn Learning)
Validation is key to successful online forms. Implementing dynamic form validation that reacts to input can be difficult to implement with languages like JavaScript and jQuery. However, AngularJS allows you to take advantage of two-way data-binding functionality without having to write any JavaScript code. This makes reacting to input from the user—as it happens—a breeze. In this short course, Ray Villalobos shows how to implement form validation on any HTML form using the built-in validation properties and methods in AngularJS. Together, you'll look at how AngularJS can help style forms dynamically as the user updates the content. Plus, explore how to implement validation with JavaScript, just in case you need more fine-tuned control of form interactions. Aanvraag indienen
Managing Data in Angular 2 Applications (LinkedIn Learning)
All web applications use data, which can come from a server or be stored locally in the browser. In Managing Data in Angular 2 Applications, Derek Peruo guides you through the process of retrieving and saving data for your Angular applications, both in the browser and on a server. He also introduces tips and tricks for customizing data management as your application grows in size and complexity. Learn about the various storage options and when and where to use each type, and find out how to write custom services to manage the data for a fast-growing Angular app. Topics include: Overview of data storage options Saving and retrieving data from the browser Setting routes in the URL Using query strings and fragments instead of routes Saving and retrieving data from a server Working with user input Using JSONP instead of HTTP Why writing custom services is important Writing custom services for working with browsers and servers Aanvraag indienen
Building Native Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Angular 2 (LinkedIn Learning)
NativeScript is an open-source framework for building native iOS and Android apps. Web developers who are familiar with Angular 2 can get introduced to NativeScript in this course and learn how to develop an application for iOS and Android by leveraging the NativeScript framework with Angular 2. Join Alex Ziskind as he guides you from the initial installation of NativeScript through architecting an application. He explains how to declare the most common user interface widgets while styling them with CSS. Plus, he demonstrates how to set up the Faker library, and how to programmatically tap into the native navigation engine for iOS and Android. Topics include: Setting up the development environment Using the NativeScript CLI Using Angular with NativeScript Angular bootstrap Application architecture Components User interface NativeScript widgets Application lifecycle Data and event binding Navigation Aanvraag indienen
Building a Full-Stack App with Angular 2+ and Spring Boot (LinkedIn Learning)
Angular 2 can serve as the primary MVC framework for your application, or it can supplement a server-side solution like Laravel or ASP.NET. In this course, Derek Peruo guides you through the process of transforming your Angular 2 single-page application (SPA) into a widget-based application for use with server-side frameworks. Plus, he goes into single-page and widget-based architectures, as well as common patterns for communicating between your server-side and client-side frameworks. Topics include: Single-page applications and widget-based applications Creating a new Laravel project Moving Angular files into Laravel Migrating Angular routing and Angular modules Using global variables Adding stateless API routes Using basic REST requests Using route parameters in controllers Aanvraag indienen
Angular Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning)
Angular was designed by Google to address challenges programmers face building complex, single-page applications. This JavaScript platform provides a solid core of web functionality, letting you take care of the design and implementation details. In this course, Justin Schwartzenberger introduces you to the essentials of this "superheroic" platform, including powerful features such as two-way data binding, comprehensive routing, and dependency injection. Justin steps through the platform one feature at a time, focusing on the component-based architecture of Angular. Learn what Angular is and what it can do, as Justin builds a full-featured web app from start to finish. After mastering the essentials, you can tackle the other project-based courses in our library and create your own Angular app. Aanvraag indienen
Angular: API Communication and Authentication (LinkedIn Learning)
APIs are at the heart of enterprise development, and Angular ships with robust services to communicate with them via HTTP. But one of the best ways to implement authentication of API services is using JWTs (JSON web tokens). In this course, we take a deep dive into using the provided $http service in Angular to create a robust and reusable API service implementing JWT authentication. Instructor Victor Mejia also covers how to use an Angular router to protect client-side routes and unit test services, HTTP requests, and async actions. All these concepts are demonstrated using a realistic contact management application, so you can see how API calls and user authentication are implemented in a real-world Angular app. Aanvraag indienen
Angular: Ecosystems (LinkedIn Learning)
Making full use of Angular requires mastering a complicated—and occasionally confusing—cluster of tools. Some of these tools supplement Angular itself, while others establish and maintain workflows for efficient development, or help Angular mesh with another set of web-centric tools. In this course, Derek Peruo explores techniques and tools outside of Angular that can enhance your app development workflow. Derek goes over common tools you could use with most software projects, as well as some options that are specific to Angular. He discusses code editors, tools you can use to build and deploy Angular apps into production, frameworks and libraries to help speed up development, and more. Aanvraag indienen
Learning Angular (LinkedIn Learning)
Frameworks can help you get things done quickly by providing a model for development that yields special functionality. This course helps to acquaint you with a "superheroic" JavaScript framework for building single-page web applications—Angular. Ray Villalobos introduces the main features of the Angular framework, which was designed by Google to help you quickly develop web applications with advanced features like declarative templates and data-binding. Ray begins by explaining how to work with the Angular CLI, and demonstrating how to install additional frameworks—including jQuery and Bootstrap—to an Angular project. He then explains how to work with templates in Angular, bind data to templates, use lifecycle methods, and more. Aanvraag indienen
Learning the Angular CLI (LinkedIn Learning)
The Angular command-line interface (CLI) is the recommended utility for building and maintaining Angular applications. Understanding what it provides—and how to make the most of its features—can set you up for maximum development productivity with Angular. In this course, learn how the Angular CLI is designed to not only help with creating new Angular projects, but also how it takes care of the application-build workflow and testing. Instructor Victor Mejia covers creating new projects, customizing the development server, generating Angular application code, running tests, and more. Plus, he shares real-world scenarios that can help you develop a more practical understanding of how to use the CLI. By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge you need to use the Angular CLI as a core tool in your Angular application development workflow. Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Engels. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. Deze cursus is enkel beschikbaar in het Frans. Als dit voor u geen probleem vormt, dien dan gerust uw aanvraag in. Aanvraag indienen
AngularJS 1 Building a Data-Driven App (LinkedIn Learning)
Want to create data-driven web applications? AngularJS is a great choice. It allows you to build apps where multiple users can push and pull data at the same time, in real time. However, while the framework is easy to learn, it can be tough to master. This course is the second in a two-part series designed to show you how Angular works in the real world. It takes up where AngularJS 1: Adding Registration to Your Application left off: a simple application that checks users in and out of meetings. Here, instructor and Angular advocate Ray Villalobos shows how to enhance the existing app with new views and controllers to reward random checked-in users with prizes. Learn how to create forms, edit database records, create methods, randomize record selections, and style and secure your app. With these project-based lessons, you'll learn how to see how data-driven programming with AngularJS can help your apps react to real-time data streams. Aanvraag indienen