Cybersecurity isn't solely within your IT department's purview. If you own a smartphone, work on a computer, or use the internet, then you're exposed to a variety of security risks on a daily basis. In this course, instructor Caroline Wong details what
these threats are and what you can do about them—both to protect yourself and your organization. In a series of engaging scenarios, Caroline shines a spotlight on some of the most common security risks you'll encounter in your personal and work life,
as well as how to mitigate them. Learn how to identify and avoid phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks. Plus, get best practices for protecting your accounts, company intellectual property, and online activity.
Learning objectives:
Protecting sensitive information in your physical office
Avoiding malware attacks
Social engineering attacks, such as voice phishing
Avoiding security attacks on smartphones
Identifying different types of email scams
Best practices for working with both public and home Wi-Fi
The benefits of using VPN
Creating strong passwords
Protecting company and employee information
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